* NOTICE: Our address has changed from 205 Windsor Neck Rd. to 197 Windsor Neck Rd., Windsor, Maine 04363 *

“It is good for us to be here” Mt. 17:4

St Benedict

Transfiguration Hermitage in Windsor is a monastic community following the Rule of St. Benedict. We are dedicated to a life of prayer for the needs of all people and outreach to anyone seeking spiritual growth. This Benedictine life of prayer and solitude revolves around times of daily prayer together in chapel and our solitary prayer in the silence of our hermitage. We offer witness and opportunities of spiritual growth to others through retreats, workshops, courses, and spiritual direction. Like rain which nurtures the earth, causing plants to grow and giving food to all, this life of prayer is an invisible spring, pouring forth the grace of God’s love to human hearts.

We support our hermitage by offering retreats and workshops, spiritual direction, and through the generosity of our friends and benefactors. We also produce finest quality fruitcakes, baked goods, and jams, which we sell by mail order, online, at the hermitage, and at local farmers’ markets. We also work at writing or at other tasks consonant with our monastic life.

Founded in 1997 in Thorndike, Maine, Transfiguration Hermitage is now located on a beautiful hill in Windsor, just east of Augusta, Maine’s capital city. With acres of rolling hills, woods, meadows, and blueberry fields, a lovely stream and gardens, the Hermitage grounds offer a relaxed, contemplative openness to the beauty of God’s creation.

We invite you to share in our life and in our spirit. There are many ways to Contact Us.

It is, indeed, good for all of us to be here.

Contemplative video of our hermitage by Sr. Marilyn Sunderman, RSM

Bishop Deeley Blesses New Chapel at Transfiguration Hermitage

See article on the Portland Diocese page
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