St. Moira’s Retreat House

“Let all who come be received as Christ himself, for he will say: ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Rule of St. Benedict
Email the Sisters if you would like information on retreats on
Our St. Moira’s retreat house is simple, spacious, and inviting. This welcoming space is super-insulated and passive solar. It offers four rooms for individual retreats, a small conference room, a kitchenette for making breakfast and picking up other meals prepared by the sisters, and two bathrooms. Each room has stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It is fully-handicap accessible, and offers a secluded place for quiet and prayer with the supportive presence of a praying monastic community nearby. Our outdoor ‘Prayer Trail’ and outdoor ‘Stations of the Cross’ trail offer many beautiful vistas for mediation and reflection. Suggested retreat donation is $70 per night per person for min. 2 nights, and $85 for one night stay. But all are welcome, regardless of ability to pay. Those who are able to give more help us offer hospitality to those who can give less.”
Transfiguration Hermitage
197 Windsor Neck Rd.
Windsor, ME 04363
See our Blessing of the Retreat House!